Is Your Organization Using a Gender Neutral Job Evaluation Tool?

As a strict requirement of pay equity legislation, Employers are required to provide for pay equity for female job classes by objectively valuing those job classes, and comparing female and male job classes on the basis of skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions.  This is to be done by applying gender neutral criteria.

Quebec Pay Equity Commission Becoming More Proactive

According to a recent notice in the Journal du Barreau, Quebec’s Pay Equity Commission has begun investigating employers in the province that were required to complete their pay equity exercise by December 31, 2010, but have neglected to do so…

Pay Equity Act in Ontario – Live Seminar

Ontario employers are responsible for ensuring that pay equity exists in their establishments. As a company changes, positions can be added or positions can change. Failure to stay in compliance with the Pay Equity Act can be costly, both financially and to your company’s reputation. Attend this seminar and get the tools you need to […]